10 Teamie Questions about Kim & Shanda
#1 How long have you and your Teamie been teaching together?
This will be our 4th year teaching together. We have been through so much in our 4 years together ~ I was RIF'd my first year due to budget cuts and then re-hired during the summer for my old position, we've helped each other through family heartaches, family excitement, and my husband's deployment this year.
#2 What is your Teamie's best quality?
Kim ~ #1 we share the same last name and both have a special Brian W in our lives!! Kim has such a nurturing quality. She is like the mom of the group. She is usually the most leveled headed of the 3 of us, but she's also not afraid to defend Kindergarten against the administration, who sometimes just don't understand Kindergarten!
Shanda - is hard working and makes me crack up all the time with her stories of life at home. She is always trying to save baby kittens abandoned by their mom or working cattle from her horse. Her life is truly a western circus and she keeps us laughing at all her tales!
#3 Who will retire first?
Kim's got one grandson and a granddaughter on the way, so she will be first just so she can travel to spoil grandbabies!! But I hope that's not for a LONG time! We'd miss her too much!!
#4 What makes you 3 an awesome team?
We work so well together. We look at other grade level teams and are always commenting how we are a true team and work well with each other. We each bring different qualities and specialties to the table and we don't judge one another by these.
#5 Do you both have any rituals that get you through the day or a hard time?
We talk! At the end of each day we wind up standing in Kim's room talking.
#6 What is a word that describes your Teamie?
Kim - nurturer
Shanda - farm girl
#7 Is your Teamie in the blog world? If so...what is their blog? (Don't forget to link it:) If not...will this post push them in?
Kim just started a classroom blog - I'm so proud of her!!
I haven't got Shanda convinced yet! LOL
#8 What is the funniest thing that you and your Teamie had to face at school?
My first year @ school, the principal had moved several teachers into new rooms. The teacher that had previously been in my room decided that she would keep some of her things in my room since she had to move to a smaller room - one item was a large monkey inside a big, black trash bag. So, Kim and I decided that we would move the large monkey to the storage closet. We were trying to be real sneaky and not get caught, when - Guess Who - came out of her classroom to see what was going on. BUSTED!! We've never laughed so hard!!
#9 Complete this sentence...I would not trade my Teamie for a $1,000 gift card at the Dollar store because...
We work so well together.
#10 Add a special tribute to your Teamie:)
Before you know it you will see me flying through your room, late - once again, and heading to my classroom! I'm so glad you two have my back!! LOL
I can't wait to see what this school year brings! See you in a couple of weeks!!
Just copy and past into your post and answer in color. So stinking easy!
10 Teamie Questions about ______________
#1 How long have you and your Teamie been teaching together?
#2 What is your Teamie's best quality?
#3 Who will retire first?
#4 What makes you two an awesome pair?
#5 Do you both have any rituals that get you through the day or a hard time?
#6 What is a word that describes your Teamie?
#7 Is your Teamie in the blog world? If so...what is their blog? (Don't forget to link it:) If not...will this post push them in?
#8 What is the funniest thing that you and your Teamie had to face at school?
#9 Complete this sentence...I would not trade my Teamie for a $1,000 gift card at the Dollar store because...
#10 Add a special tribute to your Teamie:)
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